Vital Voices

The Nation Speaks Working to make a more cohesive society for those planning for the later years, Vitalife leaders state their mission to prepare. Go>>

Sharing Vital Stories Residents, leaders, directors and more share their experiences and knowledge with the Vitalife program and community. Go>>


Coming together to make a community In Vitalife Communities, residents may choose to lead their own social activities, and then teach others! It is all about freedom, happiness, and socialization. Go>>

Vital Nation Couples Why Vital Nation

Wellness Spectrum Chart Along with failing health statistics, Americans now have additional freightening financial concerns for the upcoming years ahead. If you are in the senior services business, will you have buyers? If you are a regular citizen, will you be able to afford the healthcare you will need in your later years?

The purpose of the Vitalife Community Concept is to reverse the alarming trend of health and wellness declines in America. The principles of Vitalife may be applied within our own lives to take proactive health measures for better holistic wellness, and communities at large may also employ the Vitalife philosophy for resident vital living.

Vital Guide

Building a Vital Nation by Community Planning Take 5 minutes to listen to a passionate overview of the Vital Nation and its mission. Go>>

Evaluate your Vital Wellness Take a brief look at where you stand in your personal wellness. See if Vitalife is for you. Go>>

Vital Information Books, DVDs, Links, Tours Resources helping to facilitate a lifestyle focused on wellness and the community. Go>>

Vital Spaces Wellness

Still Hopes, A community practicing the Ideals of Vitalife with its residents and staff. Go>>