There are many individuals nationally who have contributed to the success of Vital Life. Although the Vital Life Concept was inspired by thirty years of research conducted by Bill Witte, CEO of THW Design, it has since taken on a life of its own! Many talented individuals have become invaluable to the full creation of Vital Life.
We have the distinct pleasure of working in collaboration with A.T. Still University, and they have created a master´s course in wellness facilitation based on the Vital Life principles. Additionally, we have worked with CEOs of CCRCs, as well as various Wellness Directors to create and understand programs that residents not only enjoy, but thrive in. We have had the help of top financial experts, nutrition gurus, but most importantly, we have gained from the life experience of today´s retirement community residents. We owe them our ultimate gratitude for their continual support, encouragement, ideas, and smiles.