- BB&T Debt Capital Markets, Healthcare Finance (Atlanta) www.bbt.com
- Dan Look, President, Dining Management Resources, Atlanta, GA 770- 855-3135
- A.T. Still University (Dr. James McGovern, Dr. Jon Persavich, Dr. Elsie Gaber) www.atsu.edu Kirksville, Missouri, Mesa, Arizona, and online education opportunities
- Steve Shields, President / CEO, Meadowlark Hills Retirement Community, Manhattan, Kansas. Check out Steve Shields´ new book In Pursuit of the Sunbeam, about embracing the true home of the resident directed household model. http://www.meadowlark.org
- Ms. Denise Heimlich, Director of Wellness, Still Hopes Episcopal Retirement Community, W. Columbia, SC, www.stillhopes.org
- Mr. Harry Hobson, CEO, Plymouth Harbor Retirement Community, Sarasota, Florida www.plymouthharbor.org
- Westminster Canterbury Richmond, Richmond, Virginia, Mr. Donald Lecky, CEO and Ms. Libby Bush, Vice President of Resident Services, http://www.wescanric.org/
- Mr. Jonathan Cook, CEO, Marquette Manor, Indianapolis, Indiana, www.marquettemanor.org
- Chris Witte, Atlanta, GA for consulting
- Management and staff of THW Design