Vital Voices

The Nation Speaks Working to make a more cohesive society for those planning for the later years, Vital Life leaders state their mission to prepare. Go>>

Sharing Vital Stories Residents, leaders, directors and more share their experiences and knowledge with the Vital Life program and community. Go>>


Coming together to make a community In Vital Life Communities, residents may choose to lead their own social activities, and then teach others! It is all about freedom, happiness, and socialization. Go>>


Vital Nation Symposium now viewable online!

Vital Guide

Building a Vital Nation by Community Planning Take 5 minutes and see a passionate overview of the Vital Nation and its mission. Go>>

Evaluate your Vital Wellness Take a brief look at where you stand in your personal wellness. See if Vital Life is for you. Go>>

Vital Information Books, DVDs, Links, Tours Resources helping to facilitate a lifestyle focused on wellness and the community. Go>>

Vital Spaces Wellness

Still Hopes, A community practicing the Ideals of Vital Life with its residents and staff. Go>>