Welcome to Vital Nation

Community Pyramid  vitalife community pyramid  Level A

1. Be willing to make the commitment. It’s our way of life, our culture.
2. Commit to implement programs that support or enhance the 8 human wellness ecologies as recognized by Vital Life.
3. Be willing to learn from your residents
4. Obtain Board of Directors and staff support and commitment.
5. Be willing to benchmark your programs and share your results with the Vital Life community network online.

Level B

6. Find out “where you are” currently. Conduct and Audit. What is your current internal culture?
7. Talk to your residents. Are they Happy? What are their likes and dislikes?
8. Profile all departments and programs and compare to health guidelines and resident requests. Where are you falling short? Where do you need more? Less? Better?
9. Assign Staff and Resident Wellness Advocates to monitor, recruit, and report back to you.

Level C

10. Prioritize physical and nutritional health. Ask for help from experts through the Vital Life website.
11. Implement new programs for social connectivity. Create opportunities for socialization via design, events, and activities (scheduled and serendipitous).
12. Promote resident directed activities. What are their passions and overall interests? Have them host events. This supports Occupational Spiritual, Emotional and Social ecologies.

Level D

13. Conduct quarterly resident satisfaction surveys. Compile for an annual report.
14. Benchmark your resident satisfaction and participation. Is it growing? Why or why not? Share you results.

Level E

15. Use your resident comments to make changes in your programming. Remeasure results. Share changes with the residents. Repeat!


If the pyramid is actualized, your community will achieve measurable results of resident satisfaction. You will have a community of residents who are “fully human and full alive.”

Vital Life in Action

The principles of the Vital Life Community Concept are currently being embraced by Continuing Care Retirement Communities, but the great news is the Vital Life principles may be employed in other arenas as well. Any organization that is dedicated to advanced pursuits of long-term wellness with an emphasis on taking preventative health measures is a candidate for Vital Life.


A focused need: how about good health and reduction of future skyrocketing healthcare costs?

Benchmarking to a norm of determinants that will help define target goals and indicate the degree of progress that is being achieved against parallel cohorts.

An easily communicated targeted program (each community may create its own) with goals, rules, language, and defined targeted outcomes.

Accountability via the sharing of outcomes and mutual celebration of success.

Proclamation of benefits via measuring reduced costs of expenses and other resources that are devoted to health maintenance and intercession.